Special Needs Holiday Party

Saturday – December 14, 2024
Ascension Seton – Texas Administrative Offices
1345 Philomena St
Austin, TX 78723

You’re Invited!

Please join us for a fun filled afternoon including: Santa, crafts, cookies, holiday music, and more…

Registration is REQUIRED!

This event is for families of children with special needs ONLY- this is not open to the general public.

The party will be at the TAO this year. This is the admin building behind Dell Children’s main hospital. There is a parking garage accessible off of James wheat Street (off of Philomena).

Registration is required.

Medically Complex Families:

We also host an invite only party for our more medically complex families. If your child is medically complex and/or has severe sensory issues and you prefer to attend the smaller party, please email us at info@caseyscircle.org to get more details. If you have signed up with Casey’s Circle and have already told us that you have a child with complex medical needs, you should get an email invitation to the smaller party. If you would prefer to attend the larger party, that is totally fine as well.

Special Thanks to Our Sponsors:

If you are interested in becoming a sponsor, or would like to donate a door prize, please email us at: info@caseyscircle.org.

Hosted By

Previous Special Needs Holiday Parties

December 7, 2019 we hosted our Annual Special Needs Holiday Party – Casey’s Christmas. We were once again joined by Curious George, The Man in the Yellow Hat, H-E-Buddy, Santa, music, crafts and so much more. This was the first year we added a 3rd party. It made for a very busy day, and so tired volunteers, but all of the smiling faces made it totally worth the extra effort. Each year we are so excited to see all of the familiar faces at this party as well as to meet many new families. We can’t wait to see you all again next year!
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December 8, 2018 we hosted our Annual Special Needs Holiday Party – Casey’s Christmas. We had a great turn out and a lot of fun! Curious George, The Man in the Yellow Hat, H-E-Buddy, Santa, music, crafts and so much more.
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Fox 7 Austin and KVUE both came out and covered the earlier party.  You can see those stories here:
Fox 7 AustinKVUE

December 9, 2017 we hosted our 6th Annual Special Needs Holiday Party – Casey’s Christmas. We had a great turn out and a lot of fun! Curious George, The Man in the Yellow Hat, Santa, music, crafts and so much more.
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caseychristmas2016December 11, 2016 we hosted our 5th Annual Special Needs Holiday Party – Casey’s Christmas. We had a great turn out and a lot of fun! Curious George, The Man in the Yellow Hat, Santa, music, crafts and so much more.
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You can see a news clip from this event as well:

26250089740_1da9038151_mDecember 12, 2015 we had our annual Special Needs Holiday Party. The party has grown so much over the years this was our first year hosting it at Dell Children’s Hospital.
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26522745965_04fc4dd6b1_mDecember 7, 2013 we had our 2nd Special Needs Holiday Party
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img_0782_19916421052_oDecember 15, 2012 we had our 1st Special Needs Holiday Party
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