As everyone that knows Casey knows, she was a HUGE ‘My Little Pony Friendship is Magic’ fan (MLP). She may have even been the number 1 fan. MLP has a special event happening tomorrow, July 30th. It is Friendship day! There are a few things that MLP suggest people do to help celebrate. We LOVE this idea and think Casey would too. In order to help promote friendship and being good to one another we are offering a tshirt giveaway. MLP contacted us and threw in some MLP toys to go with the giveaway too! In order to enter share a picture of your child and his/her friend, or a picture doing one of the things MLP suggest in the image below. You can either post your pictures directly on Casey’s Circle Facebook Wall, or you can send us a picture by email – Be sure to add #FrienditForward! Enter by 11:59PM 7/30 CST for a chance to win. Good luck, and happy Friendship Day!!!


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