We will have more details for these events as we get closer, but be sure to save the date for this year’s holiday events.


2015 Special Needs Holiday Party

We are teaming up with CPATH again this year for our annual Special Needs Holiday Party. This year we have also teamed up with the Palliative team at Dell Children’s. The party will be on Saturday December 12th from 2p-4p in the LiveStrong Auditorium. We will have music, crafts, story time and of course- SANTA!!

December 12, 2015 – 2:PM-4:PM

2015 Book Drive

Santa likes to bring books for all the kids that attend the party. If you are interested in donating new or gently used books for our holiday book drive please send us an email and let us know. We collect books all year for this fun event. Any books not used during the party are then donated to Dell Children’s.

2015 Angel Tree

Last year we started a new holiday tradition with our friends at sMiles 4 Sammy as well as the Palliative team. sMiles 4 Sammy provided dinner and we provided the supplies for families to come together and celebrate the lives of children that have passed. Families made ornaments and wrote little notes then we decorated a special angel tree with these ornaments afterward. We will be teaming up again for this event on December 3rd. Instead of decorating a tree on 360, this year the ornaments will decorate a tree in the Mueller area nearby the hospital.

December 3, 2015 – Evening